One-stop employment and training services, free for Sonoma County employers and job seekers of all ages.
- Job seekers ages 18+ can access job search tools, career development services, labor market information and job referrals, including free job fairs where you can meet local employers who have job openings. Ask us about FREE, PAID job training and individualized job search assistance. Join our free workshops on interviewing skills, writing a rèsumè and more. Visit our online workshop calendar.
- Youth Job Seekers ages 16-24 can get assistance with education and employment, including paid summer work experience and paid internships with the Sonoma County Youth Ecology Corps to prepare you for careers with Sonoma Water and other County of Sonoma Departments.
- Employers are empowered with FREE services designed to attract and retain top talent. Our On-the-Job Training (OJT) program provides financial assistance to train new hires, while the Layoff Prevention and Rapid Response service equips you to navigate challenging times. Need the latest local workforce data? Check out our Labor Market Information. Or let us help you find the perfect fit with Recruitment Assistance and Incumbent Worker Training. With Job Link, Sonoma County’s workforce thrives, together. Call our Business Services Hotline at 707-565-8079 or email Chris Willover (Business Services Coordinator) at Learn more and get started today!