Federal Funding Disclosure (Stevens Amendment)

The Stevens Amendment is a federal law found in H.R. 6157 that requires funding information to be included on all projects or programs using federal funds. It is intended to provide transparency for taxpayers and ensure federally funded research and work are properly credited.

This web page lists how the Sonoma County Workforce Investment Board uses federal grant money to fund its work.

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Programs are fully funded by grant awards from the California Employment Development Department (EDD) using Department of Labor funding, which provides 100% of the total program funding. In FY 2023-24, the WIB has budgeted the following amounts:

  • WIOA Adult – $748,315
  • WIOA Dislocated Worker – $890,701
  • WIOA Youth – $773,301
  • WIOA Rapid Response – $365,211

The Regional Equity Program is funded by WIOA Adult Governor’s Discretionary Funding totaling $370,000 from the Department of Labor as a pass-through from the Workforce Development Board of Solano County, funded 100% by federal sources.

Sonoma County Youth Ecology Corps (SCYEC) is fully funded by a grant award totaling $463,168 from WIOA, STAY and investing hosts (100%).

The Successful Transition to Adulthood for Youth Program is fully funded by a grant award totaling $257,261 (100%) from the US Department of Labor.

The AB 109 – California Criminal Justice Realignment Program is fully funded by a grant award totaling $325,700 (100%) from the US Department of Labor.

The Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy, & Training (Quest) NDWG Grant Program is fully funded by a grant award totaling $300,000 (100%) from the US Department of Labor.

The Prison to Employment (P2E) 2.0 Program is fully funded by a grant award totaling $128,226 (100%) from the California Workforce Development Board.